Worst Countries Around the World to Smoke Weed

28 Nov 2022
A C Acbeba Worst Countries Around The World To Smoke Weed Scaled

Weed is only legally available to citizens of a few countries, so it’s best not to attempt transportation into countries where weed remains illegal. Many people often ask themselves “Where is a good place to smoke weed?” or “What country has lenient marijuana laws?” Some of this list may surprise you as they’re located right here on our doorstep – even with cannabis becoming increasingly accepted across North America! If you want an idea of how bad smoking pot might be for one’s health (or their life), check out these 5 worst countries worldwide that will cause wide-ranging consequences if caught.

1. Afghanistan

Afghani cannabis is illegal, and it may have even originated there. Day in and day out, Afghani farmers work tirelessly cultivating this plant despite its illegality because it’s deeply ingrained into their culture. Afghanistan is now the world’s leading producer of marijuana, a role the country has held largely due to Afghan citizens’ efforts in cultivating and trading this lucrative crop.


In Afghanistan, it is illegal to use or possess marijuana. The Counter Narcotics Drug Law (2005)

10 grams: One to three months in prison and a fine of 5,000 – 10,000 AFN ($58 – $116).

over 10 grams: The person on trial is incarcerated for up to three years and must pay 50,000-100,000AFN (580-1160 USD), depending on their involvement.

Sell, Import or Export cannabis:

Afghan federal law prohibits the sale, import, and export of cannabis.

  • Under 250 grams: sentence of up to 3 months and a fine of 5,000 to 10,000 AFN (96.41$ – 136.38$)
  • 250-500 grams: 3 to 6 months in prison and a fine of 10,000 AFN ($136) – 50,000 AFN ($681).
  • 500 grams – 1 kilogram:6-12 months in prison, and a fine of 50,000 AFN ($681) to 100,000 AFN ($1364).
  • 1 and 5 kilograms: 1 to 3 years imprisonment and fines ranging from about 100,000- 500,000 AFN (1364$ – 6817$)
  • Over 10 kilograms: 10-15 years imprisonment and a $13,635-$20,427 fine.

2. Saudi Arabia

If you ever find yourself in Saudi Arabia, it’s important to know that cannabis laws are very strict. If you break them and get caught, the consequences of your actions may be more severe than anywhere else on Earth. You have been warned!

Saudi Arabia has one of the most stringent attitudes towards drugs around the world – especially when talking about marijuana use. It is well-documented for being a country with long prison sentences or execution by firing squad or even beheading if convicted as a drug offender under their harsh Sharia law system which includes heavy punishment for any illegal substances taken inside its borders.


For personal use and possession, you may be sent to jail for about one year in low quantity or sentence range from 6 months to one year depending on the judge’s discretion.

On top of a heavy sentence that could last up to twelve months or more, there is also an additional fine which can go as high as $80000 depending on how much you are found with at time of arrest.

Sale & Distribution:

In Saudi Arabia, dealers are dealt with more severely. If you are caught committing a crime, such as dealing drugs, you can be sentenced to two to ten years in prison. This can lead to lifelong consequences for the dealer and his or her family as well – not just in terms of time spent behind bars but also years lost from employment opportunities due to criminality on their record. The harsh sentencing may have led one man living outside of Riyadh who was convicted less than five times over 35 years ago.

3. China

Cannabis has traditionally been seen as taboo or illegal in China, but the country’s booming hemp industry suggests that attitudes about cannabis may be changing. Chinese companies own half of all patents related to cannabis-related products and some experts believe this signals an impending shift for how it will be treated within the law.


It is illegal to possess and consume cannabis in China. The substance has been traditionally demonized by the Chinese government. Before the 1980s, most police officers ignored the consumption of marijuana. Nowadays law enforcement agencies are cracking down hard on people caught with drugs like marijuana with penalties including life imprisonment for being found possessing five kilograms or more of pot “or even less.”

China’s strict drug laws date back only about 30 years ago when its economy opened after Mao Zedong died off from power following decades under his rule that saw an economic downturn and famine kill tens-of-millions during what historians refer to as The Cultural Revolution (1966–1976).

Sale or Distribution:

Selling of marijuana is illegal and punishable by law, particularly in stricter areas of China, where law enforcement is more attentive) those carrying weed can expect a prison sentence and potentially even a death sentence, depending on how much they are found to be carrying.

4. Singapore

It’s no surprise that Singapore – one of the harshest countries in regards to cannabis laws, has some pretty harsh punishments for getting caught with any amount. We implore you not to mess around when it comes to drugs while living or visiting this country; they take their drug policy very seriously and punishment will be swift if found guilty!

If the individual is caught with any amount of any Schedule I Class A controlled drug, and they are subject to being charged for a comparably higher class.


As outlined in section 17 of the Act, possessing small amounts of cannabis such as 2 grams is considered a serious offense in Singaporean law. Possible punishments range from a fine of SG$20,000 to 8-10 years in prison. Meanwhile, carrying more than 2 grams? You have instantly assumed yourself to be a drug trafficker who carries long sentences ranging anywhere between 10-25 years!

Sale & Distribution:

If you’re thinking about smuggling 500 grams of marijuana into Singapore, think again. Traffickers and smugglers will be sentenced to life in prison or the death penalty.

5. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dubai is known as the Middle Eastern adult playground for businessmen, wealthy celebrities, and jet setters. Its glitzy glamour attracts people from all over the world who are looking to enjoy Arabic culture in a fun way with relaxation and adventure on offer too! However, this means you should know that cannabis law will be very strict if you’re traveling there.

Possession :

Possessing even small amounts of cannabis in the UAE can lead to a mandatory four-year jail sentence. One of the stricter countries for drug enforcement, sentences can be lengthy and even death penalties are used.

Sale & Distribution:

If you are caught with a small amount of marijuana, it could lead to 10-15 years imprisonment. In some cases, smuggling and trafficking cannabis into the UAE will result in death!

The sale and distribution of weed are illegal here as well; if police catch you with a little herb on your person then prepare for at least ten years behind bars. If they think that either selling or distributing any drug is involved though? Then be prepared to face up to 15 more years waiting out life inside one rock hard cell. The risky part about coming over from America as I did was not just getting away without an immigration stamp but also bringing my stash onto this side too – which could cost me my head because drugs have no tolerance levels here.


If you’re traveling abroad and plan on bringing any form of cannabis with you, make sure to research the laws before your trip. Some items should be left at home before flying in this case! Your best bet is not to risk arrest or deportation by carrying marijuana overseas. Countries that prohibit all forms of cannabis include China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), North Korea, Russia (except for medical purposes), Saudi Arabia, Singapore (including importing hemp seeds) South Africa (South African law prohibits imports from countries where Cannabis plant growth is legal). Just because a country allows CBD does not mean they allow other types of cannabis products like flower and oil extracts so be careful when traveling internationally!

This article does not constitute legal advice. For information on the laws in your country, we recommend contacting a local lawyer or another knowledgeable resource.

If you’re caught with cannabis in these countries, the punishment will likely be severe. You may face hefty fines or even death if found guilty of possession and use. For more information about how to apply this knowledge to your own life so that you don’t end up hurting yourself by breaking a law when visiting one of these strict prohibition countries. Don’t let ignorance threaten your freedom!